Couple of Things About Finding a Sex Date That Other People are Afraid to Tell You
The funny thing about finding a sex date with is that there is a subculture and community that is built around it. Just like any other community, there are all sorts of acceptable and unacceptable behaviors. Also, there are certain expectations and assumptions built into and expected from certain social signals. If you walk into the online anonymous sex dating scene and you’re completely clueless regarding these factors, chances are, you won’t be all that successful.
I know it’s very easy to get excited about joining anonymous online dating sites where you can have sex with random female strangers. It seems that all your teenage male fantasies have come true. But you have to beware of certain realities out there, otherwise, you’re just going to be shooting yourself in the foot, and you won’t be that successful. If you want to bang as many different women from all four corners of the world as possible, you need to wrap your mind around the following facts.
There’s a Connection Between Poor Mental State and Casual Sex
Guys who hate themselves or who have low self-confidence and self-esteem do not hook up. I know that there are some guys that are using sex as a compensatory behavior, and this pushes them to hook up more and more. I’m not talking about those dudes. I’m talking about the typical rank and file guy who thinks he’s not going to succeed. Let’s put it this way, if I thought that the ball that I’m shooting at the hoop will not go in, chances are, it won’t go in. There’s a connection between your mental state and your success in hooking up casual sex. Do yourself a favor and improve your self-confidence first so you can increase your chances of success.
There is a Hook Up Gene
Most human beings have DRD4. This is a gene that modulates the amount of dopamine in your brain. People who love to hook up and have sex with random strangers have a very active DRD4. Their dopamine patterns mean that they are more prone to gambling, partying, compulsive risk taking behaviors, as well as alcoholism and ADHD. This doesn’t mean you’re a bad person. All this means is that your brain is wired differently. There’s no shame in that game.